I am a certified gestalt psychotherapist, translator and a certified practitioner of Peter Hess sound massage. I offer individual therapy for adults and self-development workshops.
I perceive the psychotherapy process as an inner cleansing. Sweeping away “I must, I should, the expected thing to do is, it’s not appropriate” and making space for “I want, I decide, I can, I desire, I deserve”. Exposing beliefs and cliché behavior which do not serve us anymore. Clearing a pathway from your head to your heart, from reason to intuition. For me Love in therapy means time and attention. Relationships are most crucial to me. I have a natural gift for seeing potential, beauty and positive attributes in everyone and everything. I am passionate about passion, my work, aliveness, the free flow of energy, quantum physics, holistic medicine, minimalism, tantra and interspecies communication. I work in Polish and English and I subscribe to the practice of self-assessing my own work.