I draw inspiration from diverse sources. I am inspired by Life.
For me, sources are people, animals, plants, beings, attitudes, methods, systems, situations – and most all the relationships that I co-create with these sources. Besides Ancestors, Family, Friends, Therapists, Supervisors, Clients, Healers and Shamans, I am influenced by Gestalt, Sound Massage, Buddhism, Minimalism, Lowen’s Bioenergetics, Gentle Bio-energetics, TRE – Trauma Release Exercises, Aromatherapy according to Young Living, Dr. Rath’s Cellular Medicine, Tibetan Rituals, Qi-gong, Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine, Tantra, Interspecies Communication, Hawaiian massage, All Kinds of Massage and Bodywork. It is not possible to present an exhaustive list here. It is also impossible to name the authors of all of the books whose messages I have integrated into my philosophy. In the here and now, I am touched most of all by Thich Nhat Hanh and Louise Hay.